Order Cancellation


How can I cancel an order?

You’ll have the option to cancel your order directly from your confirmation email within 1 hour. Scroll down to find the “Changed Your Mind?” section. If it’s been longer than 60 minutes, email elghalmiredouane73@gmail.com and we’ll help find an alternative solution.

I accidentally canceled my order, can I resume it?

If you’ve canceled your order on site and want to receive your order after all, the best way to do so is by placing a new order at checkout. Email elghalmiredouane73@gmail.com  if you have any questions — we’re here to help.

I canceled my order, but I’m not sure it went through. Can you confirm it has been canceled?

If you’ve canceled your order using the link in your order confirmation email, you’ll receive another email once the order has successfully been canceled. If you haven’t received a cancellation confirmation email, let us know at elghalmiredouane73@gmail.com  (and include your original #GLO order number) and we’ll take a look!

I don’t see the option to self-cancel! How can I cancel my order?

If you’ve placed an order contains a gift card, please email elghalmiredouane73@gmail.com  as soon as possible (including your # order number and cancel/change request) and we can help.


Femboo, LLC.

Immeuble 1, 649 Boulevard Mohamed V,
Casablanca, Casablanca 20300


Phone: +212 680960370
email: elghalmiredouane73@gmail.com